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paul mcnamara


Comrade Legionnaires,

I hope you are enjoying the summer.  It is a great time for some well-deserved  and earned stand down, and time spent with you family. If you remember when you were on active duty, holidays and long weekends usually started with a safety message from higher headquarters.  Well, we are older now and perhaps don’t need the friendly caution we received in our youth.  But I have to tell you that people our age are still getting seriously hurt or dying from accidents. 

So, in the spirit of comradeship and brothers-in-arms, I’m going to remind us all that we still need to be safe on the roads this summer season. And even around the BBQ, we need to be cautious.

We all know someone who died or was hurt from an accident that could have been avoided.  Let’s not join that group and instead have a summer where we created memories with our comrades, friends, and family.

See you at the Post.

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