Please come join us as the American Legion Presents a Comedy Extravaganza you will definitely not want to miss! The event will take place September 21st. Showtime is at 7:30pm and tickets are only $20 or $30 per couple. Dinner will be available from 5pm to 7pm. Reservations can be made by calling 760-745-11159. Featured comics will include Andy Kern from Comedy Central, David Martinez (A Magic Castle regular performer) and Chris Clobber who has appeared on HBO.
Please come out and support so we make this event a huge success!
As I enter into what is always my busiest time of year where I’m helping to plan and organize two city-wide events, I wanted to take a moment to thank my dedicated staff as they continue to make my job serving as your clubroom manager ever so easy. Ladies, I cannot begin to tell you how much you are appreciated as I do not say it often enough.
The before mentioned events are the Escondido Grape Day Festival / 5K run taking place in Grape Day Park on Saturday, September 14th. 5K registration is at 6am and the race begins at 8am and will run from Grape Day through Historic Old Escondido and finish back at Grape Day Park. The festival will take place from 12am-6pm. Come by and say hello to your fellow legionnaires as they will be manning a booth during the festivities!
The fifth annual Escondido Veterans Day parade is scheduled to take place on Monday, November 11th. Unfortunately, Grand Avenue will be under construction during that time so our usual parade route will not be available this year, the American Legion and the Brothers of 6 currently have a alternate plan route in with the city to run the parade up and down Escondido. We hope to hear back on the approval of the route this week. We will keep you apprised of the details as they become available.
See you all at the Club 149!