As we close the books on our most successful VetFest to date, I would like to take a moment to thank the Club 149 bartenders who handled the monumental task of taking care of the hundreds of guests in attendance at the Post on Veteran’s Day! , Maggie, Marissa, Sky and Cheryl more than stepped up to the plate and ensured our very busy day went off with no complications. Ladies, JOB WELL DONE!
While we are on the subject of VetFest, I want to thank Commander Jennifer Holden, Past Commander Mike Frank, 1st Vice Commander Paul Macnamara and Brothers of 6 Charities Inc. Past President Bill McNaughton for their amazing efforts in the planning and organizing of this colossal event. It’s more than worth noting that this talented group of people pulled off in 40 days what we normally have four months to plan and organize. Making this year’s VetFest happen on a level of success yet to be seen was nothing short of remarkable! I look forward to working with you all for many years to come! A special nod of thanks goes out to all Legion post officers, Sons and Auxiliary officers as well who had a hand in being involved in the event. Last but certainly not least, a big thank you to all of our participants and sponsors. To you all, without your contributions to VetFest, this very special happening would not have been possible! THANK YOU to each and every one of you!
Please take not the Club 149 will be closed on Wednesday, December 25th as we observe Christmas Day. A New Years Eve party is in the works. Stay tuned for more details. Have a Merry Christmas!