As we say goodbye to 2024 and welcome 2025, I would like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you that made this year such a success and filled us with such good memories of the year. This year’s 5th annual VetFest was our greatest success to date and will only continue to grow in size and participation. The same can be said of our annual “619” benefit dinner, the “Law & Order” dinner as well as our first responders “911” dinner. Thank you for all of the volunteers that contributed to making these worthy events possible, without you the job could simply not have been done!
Please note that Club 149 will be raising our prices in the coming months due to the minimum wage increase that took affect last year as well as the result of the rising cost of goods. I can assure you Club 149 will continue to offer the cheapest beers and cocktails in town but we were forced to employ this measure to give our guest the experience they are accustomed to as well as keep the doors open. I wish to thank you all for your support and understanding of our situation in reference to the up-coming price increase.
Please come out and join us for our annual Superbowl “Pot-luck” that will be taking place on Sunday, February 9th. The day’s events will include drink specials and an “opportunity drawing” to be held at halftime. Signup sheets will be available behind the clubroom bar.
On behalf of myself and all of the Club 149 staff, we are looking forward to yet another amazing year!
See you at Club 149!