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stef holden


My fellow legionnaires, it is with heavy heart that I inform you that, due to rising minimum wages and cost of goods, effective March 1st our operating hours will be from noon to 7pm Monday thru Friday. This decision was not arrived at lightly but we must find ways to cut cost in order to keep Club 149 open.

The Staff and I will strive harder to book additional special events and music in an effort to increase foot traffic and revenue for our post. Once revenue is increased, we will look to go back to opening Club 149 at 10am as we have in so many years passed. The entire staff looks forward to your continued patronage and support.

Club 149 invites you all to join us on Sunday, February 11th for out annual Superbowl Pot-luck. The day will consist of good food, friends and fun as well as what is to be an exciting game. An opportunity drawing will be held at Halftime. We look forward to seeing you all on the 11th. Signup sheets are available inside Club 149.

On a final note, gentleman remember Valentine’s Day is Wednesday, February 14th. Cards, flowers and chocolates are to be the order of the day.

Take care and God bless.

market mall