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chuck faupel


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Legionnaire Robert Rodriquez (Babe) passed on Feb 28th. His service was on March 24th at Alhiser-Comer Mortuary. His graveside service was on 25th at Potrero Cemetery. He will be missed. Prayers for his family.

We Pray for his family’s that go thru these sad times. Rest in peace comrade.

Legionnaire and AL rider Tom McHenry had surgery on March 9th. Surgery went well. Home and recovering. We had our Riders meeting on the 22nd and Tom and (Myra) wife showed up. Looking good brother. Burn the bridge and drive forward.

I Don't Want To Go To Church!

A mother went to wake her son for church one Sunday morning. When she knocked on his door, he said, "I'm not going!"

"Why not?" asked his mother.

"I'll give you two good reasons," he said. "One, they don't like me. Two, I don't like them."

His mother replied, "I'll give you two good reasons why YOU WILL go to church. One, you're 47 years old. Two, you're the pastor!"

Doest thou well to be angry?
—Jonah 4:4

You have a temper. There is nothing unique about that. Most people have tempers, in varying degrees, of course. God does not ask that you get rid of that temper. But He does say that if you are to be happy, it must be brought under control and rechanneled to proper use. God cannot use a man without a temper as well as one with a controlled temper. Too many professed Christians never get “wrought up” about anything; they never get indignant with injustice, with corruption in high places, or with the godless traffics which barter away the souls and bodies of men.

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