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Post Commander: Jennifer was ill for a few days which she had to be in the hospital. She’s out and doing well. She was at the Post meeting performing as normal. Prayers was answered.
Harold our Service Officer: His surgery went well. He’s back at home and the Post has normal business. Continue to march.

Announcement: Myself and our Post Commander will be performing the Four Chaplain Service in February, 3rd week at 11:30, on the 18th, which will be the post breakfast, come out and enjoy a great buffet and stay for the service. Put it in your calendar.

Philippians 3:20 (NASB)

If you are moving to a new home, you want to know all about the community to which you are going. And since we will spend eternity some place, we ought to know something about it. The information concerning heaven is found in the Bible. When we talk about heaven, earth grows shabby by comparison. Our sorrows and problems here seem so much less, when we have keen anticipation of the future.

In a certain sense the Christian has heaven here on earth. He has peace of soul, peace of conscience, and peace with God. In the midst of troubles and difficulties he can smile. He has a spring in his step, a joy in his soul, a smile on his face. But the Bible also promises the Christian a heaven in the life hereafter.

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