Hello my fellow Legionnaires! Please attend the general post meeting this month April 18, 2023. It is first round of nominations for Post Officers. I am running for Commander for a second year. I would be honored to have your vote.
I would like to thank the members of the E-board for all the hard work they do. A special shout out to Mike Frank and Jim Botts for all the maintenance that they have done on the post. Well done gentlemen you will be missed on the House Committee.
I am proud to announce that Kevin Wood is now the new chairman of the House Committee. We need members of the Post, the Sons, Brothers of 6, and Auxiliary to help round out this group. The House Committee is in charge of general maintenance, repairs, and clean up of the building and grounds.
We have the law and order dinner coming up on April 8, 2023. This dinner is to acknowledge our local police, firefighters, and paramedics for work well done and their heroism. If you haven’t purchased your ticket for the Law and Order dinner yet, please see the Adjutant, the Club Room Manager, or Mike Frank to get tickets: $20/person $35/couple.
I look forward to seeing you all around the Post!