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jen holden


Welcome to Summer! I am extremely grateful that the warmer weather has arrived. This means more people to visit and to have events held at the Post. The Post needs your support! I hear frequently the following comments when I’m at the Post:

  • “We used to do that.”
  • “There were always dinners but no one is doing it now.”
  • “The Club always had bands.”
  • “The Post doesn’t have events like they used to.”
  • “Someone needs to schedule stuff for the Post to do.”
  • “Someone needs to do breakfast.”
  • “Someone needs to… On and on it goes…

The bartenders and Clubroom Manger do their best to decorate and make things festive around the Clubroom, but preparing and having these other activities are not their jobs. If you want the Post to continue to be here and have events, we need a Clubroom Committee. This is the job of our membership. Being a part of the Clubroom Committee will take 5-7 hours per month. Currently, the same 10-15 people are the only members that show up to help and accomplish the events we do mow. Those same 10-15 are also on the Executive Board and 2/3 of them still have full time jobs. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!

One of the questions that was asked of me by the Adjutant, as he was attending the Department of California Conference, was: “If our Post, meaning JB Clark Post 149, were to close tomorrow would it be a front-page news story, or would it end up on page 4 as a paragraph and byline?” This is a profound question and really made me think. What are we doing as part of our community? Do we make a difference? Do we impact the community and our members? Would our community miss us?

The Post is more than a place to drink. The Post just happens to have a Clubroom that is a bar and private social club. We need to engage and be a bigger part of our community. If you want the Post to be a beacon of our community, we need our membership to engage!!!

I am challenging each one of you to do one of the following this month:

  1. Attend the Post meeting on July 18th, 6PM.
  2. Attend the Post breakfast on July 16th at 9AM.
  3. Play Bunko on Thursday evenings at 6PM
  4. Come have a beverage, adult or virgin, in the Clubroom on a Saturday.
  5. Come sing karaoke in the Clubroom on Fridays at 7PM.
  6. Bring another Veteran to the Post and explain what we do.
  7. Make a phone call to another Post member to check on them.
  8. Attend the House Committee Meeting at 5PM July 18th. We need people with skills to help with the maintenance of the Post.
  9. Join the Post Clean-up July 23rd at 9AM.

Don’t forget that this is your post. We are here to support you, but we can’t do that without your participation. I look forward to seeing your faces at one of these events and around the Post and Clubroom.

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