Thank you all who attended the last Post meeting. The second round of nominations and elections for Post Officers will be held at the May Post meeting on May 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM. I encourage you to attend our meeting and participate in the democratic process to establish how your Post is run and who runs it. I am disappointed in the turn out for the Post meeting to nominate Post officers. This is YOUR Post! The same individuals who have been serving as Officers are again nominated. We need fresh blood and ideas in our meetings. Please come to the election meeting and show your support by running for an office or just to vote.
Our Law and Order dinner was a success and we honored Escondido PD and FD. Many thanks to Mike Frank and Penu Pauu for doing all the leg work and heavy lifting. The program would not have been successful without you both. I want to give a huge shout out to the Escondido Sea Cadets Battalion for their outstanding efforts in providing our color guard, serving the meal, helping to clean up. I want to thank the Sons of the American Legion for providing the meal. The food was excellent! Last but not least I want to thank Cathy Wathen for her guidance and support for the decorations, set up, and overall functioning of the event.
The Post will survive our current fiscal woes. I know it will, and it will because of you. The Post needs your help to put on functions and events. The Clubroom Committee needs to be revitalized and this can be done by any Post member. If you are interested please see me and we can talk about putting the committee together.
Here are some positive things we can do collectively to support the Post.
- Donate an hour or two of your time to the Post monthly.
- Attend meetings, and be on time.
- Participate and be invested in the meeting; this is your Post.
- When a volunteer for a function or project is needed, offer to be one.
- This organization provides a valuable community and support system. Participate in the Post’s events: dinner, breakfast, karaoke, and other activities.
- Give one another grace. We all come from different backgrounds, but we are all veterans.