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paul mcnamara



As I get more involved in the behind the scenes running of the Post, I am being reminded that like all volunteer organizations, things don’t get done by magic. They are accomplished through the selfless volunteerism of our Executive Board, myself excluded since I am so new. You know their names, and you have seen them step up to the plate over the years. But as the old saying goes, many hands lighten the load. And so, as the new guy looking at all of the things that need to be done, we could use a few more hands.

Now I know that most of us are busy in life. And I have been in other volunteer organizations where people ask you to help out. And I will fully admit, I have responded with I am too busy at times but not always. And when I did volunteer, I was always glad I did. The opportunity to serve and the fellowship it provided was genuinely its own reward. So, I am going to try and make more time to volunteer at Legion events. And I going to ask you to do the same. Now if you are wondering where could a few hours go a along way here are a few examples – Legion Breakfast, monthly 3rd Sunday, this month on the 16th of April; Housing Committee, keeps our building clean and well maintained; Club Room Committee, decorations and event planning.

Thank you to all of you over the years who have kept our ship afloat and let me thank you in advance to all of you who will continue this tradition of service.

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