The House Committee meets once a month and decides what projects deserve our attention the most, is on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. The next meeting is Tuesday May 14th from 5:00 to 5:30 PM in the conference room. Come in any time during that half hour period if you’re interested in helping out with maintaining the building’s integrity. No experience is necessary. Another option is to join us at the next Post clean-up to assist in scheduled building improvements project, or any of future events. One of the best ways to meet and get to know people is to work together. Post Breakfasts are held once a month. Volunteering to help with the breakfast is just one of many ways to help the post stay afloat and it is also a good opportunity to socialize with other members…. it’s work, but most of us have a pretty good time and quite a few laughs in the process. You are also contributing to a good cause, a Veterans charity that’s all too often overlooked by the general public and government.
Helping with other fundraising events like Memorial Day events, Veterans Day and VetFest Parade, and our annual Law and Order Dinner honoring our local Police and Firefighters are just as important as building improvement projects, maintenance and repair requirements, and general upkeep of existing equipment. The Post is not in line for any major or minor handouts, its survival is dependent upon our members. What we do in the next couple months might just determine whether we stay open or close the doors, so, it’s all on us, it’s our Post, our Sanctuary. The next time you’re in the Post, look around. This Post was built, refurbished, and remodeled over many years by members, all of which are veterans, their family members, and supporters alike. A lot of time, energy, and money has gone into this building. The long history of the countless veterans who put their blood, sweat, and tears into this place is evident. Think of all the battles they were engaged in, the time away from home on deployments, and the sacrifices they made to keep this country free and secure, and then they came home to build a gathering place to celebrate their survival and honor the many who never made it back. Once you understand, you can feel the history in this building. Join the House Committee and lets a keep a good thing going.