The American Legion J.B. Clark Post 149 is looking for a person to become the next Adjutant. This is an appointed position, so all you need to do is pass the Executive Committee sanity check at 6:00 PM on the second Tuesday of the month, be appointed by the Commander, and have that appointment ratified by the same Executive Committee. The job consists of managing membership for the Post, answering a few phone calls, and navigating the daily questions that are asked. A willing and breathing candidate will be the first and foremost requirement. Send your completed application and resume to the Post HR Department. (HR Department is short for Adjutant.) April Fools! There is no resume.
Theories behind the beginning of April Fools Day are speculative at best that even “The History Channel” can’t conclusively say where it came from. One thing for sure is that I announced my departure to the Post leadership long before April 1st, so this isn’t a joke, and this writing just makes it a tad bit more official. Sure, the house deal I am getting involved with could fall through. Sure, the California state government could suddenly vote to stop all taxes on military retirement effective on the day the governor signs the bill into law. While either one, or both of those things are possible, they are both unlikely. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as the Adjutant for this Post and serving the veterans of this organization and the community; however, my family is growing outside of the state of California and I am needed elsewhere. That elsewhere includes an entirely different environment, a lower cost of living, tax free military retirement, and a proximity to those new family members that allow my wife and I to actually be involved instead of watching the kids grow on a video app. This is was bound to happen sooner or later, but the unexpected availability of a home was too good to pass up, so we are not passing on this opportunity. Thank you for the opportunity to work for you and The American Legion.