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bill stintsman


My, how time flies.  Do you remember the 1980’s when we all thought that the year 2000 was a long way off, NASA ruled the cosmos, you had to load film in a camera and get that roll developed in order to see your blurry photos, and computers were huge and bulky? 

In the 1990’s, we were told the world would end because those same computers couldn’t understand time in the new millennium and Apple introduced the iPhone (whatever that is).  Here we are, nearly two and a half decades removed from the great Y2K debacle, M*A*S*H has been off the airwaves for more than 40 years, space travel is monopolized by private companies, and single lens reflex cameras are practically a novelty thanks to that iPhone thingy; but, like the Energizer Bunny, we’re still going. 

This year is all but over, and 2024 is only a few days away.  It’s time to start thinking about how 2035 will look when the electric vehicle mandate takes effect in California, if SpaceX will inhabit Mars, and how many petabytes of storage you need for all those photos.  (A petabyte is bigger than a terabyte.)  Nonetheless, the Energizer Bunny will still beat the drum of The American Legion ‘Paid Up For Life’ Membership.  It’s cheaper to do it now, before the costs go up, than in 2035.  Happy Holidays to all.  Enjoy the time with your family and friends, because, before you know it, it will be next year.

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