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bill stintsman


The National Convention was held at the end of August, at which time it was announced that National membership dues will rise by $5.00 for the 2025 membership year. While this is frustrating, there is a way to not be concerned with it – PUFL - Paid up for Life membership. Pay your dues via PUFL and you never have to be concerned with dues increases ever again. Sure, it seems scary to drop a huge chunk of money on a membership, but you won’t have to remember to pay your dues annually, you want have to get those reminder notices in the mail all the time, you won’t have guess is you actually paid for this year or last, it all ends with a PUFL renewal. For the younger crowd, it is a bit higher price than our senior crowd. The price is also based on what our current Post dues are NOW and your age. Call National Headquarters Membership Department at 1(800)433-3318 to get answers to any other questions regarding Paid Up for Life Membership and the variables that set the pricing. If you wait until after the National increase takes effect, you will pay a substantially higher PUFL price as well. “DUE” it now and get this monkey off your back. (See what I did there? “DUE it…, do it…. Anyway….)

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