It’s hard to believe we are already winding down another year! Now is the perfect time to start planning for next year and to make it even better than the last. To achieve that, we need the general membership to step up and take a more active role in our post. It’s not just the E-board or the officers’ post—it’s your post. The post doesn’t run itself. With that in mind, please consider where you can volunteer, whether it’s helping out at breakfast or dinner once a month. These events, among others, bring in the funds that keep our doors open.
We don’t want to raise alarm, but if we continue down the path of limited volunteerism, there could come a day when the doors close. Let’s take pride in our post and step up to support it!
Thank You:
A big thank you to everyone who participated in the recent post clean-up. Your efforts are truly appreciated!
VetFest Volunteers Needed:
The post is in need of volunteers for VetFest, whether at the parade, back at the post, or both! Post 149 and the Brothers of 6 are the driving force behind keeping VetFest running for now and for many years to come.
As I’ve expressed before, we need volunteers. If we want to continue hosting our great breakfast every third Sunday, we need members to help. The same individuals have been stepping up, but they’re nearing burnout. We’re asking for members to come out and assist—just one Sunday a month makes a big difference.
Fall Celebration Dinner:
Mark your calendars for November 16, 2024 from 5-7 PM for our Fall Celebration Dinner! The menu includes Spiral Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables, and a Dinner Salad for $17. RSVP is required to prevent over-buying due to the cost of ham. Please RSVP at:
Beginning during dinner, The Jesse Cox Band will be playing in the clubroom from 6 PM until closing, and there will be a nacho bar for snacks.
Congratulations to Damian:
A big congrats to Damian, the winner of the Fishing Rod Raffle! Now we’re moving on to the TV Raffle. The TV, a 75” 4K Smart TV, is on display in the clubroom. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. See the bartender to purchase tickets.
Stay Connected:
As we continue into the digital age, the American Legion has created an app for your devices. It’s called Legion+, and it allows you to access information and keep a digital copy of your membership.